Palace Of The Golden Princess

Review by Thonos, August 13, 2024
Release Date: 2022 Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Pocket Jack Comics
Writer: Preston Poulter Illustrator: Ediano Sliva, Jag Kumar, Blond, Ryan Bielak Colorist: Letterer:
Palace Of The Golden Princess image 1
Palace Of The Golden Princess image 2
Palace Of The Golden Princess image 3
Palace Of The Golden Princess image 4
Palace Of The Golden Princess image 5
Palace Of The Golden Princess image 6

Warning Spoilers Ahead

Palace of the Golden Princess starts off with a ritual  baptizing of the queen.  The queen rules over the kingdom of Alluvia and this kingdom uses magic to basically exert power over men.  This power over them leaves women in charge and keeps the men of the kingdom in check. Not an original story, but nothing wrong with it.

A jousting competition introduces us to Thora, a governess.  After losing her match, we are also introduced to her squire Gretchen who is more of a friend than just a squire.  During a patrol Thora comes across a traveling band of explorers at a local tavern.  They state that they are going to the Palace of the Golden Princess to explore.  A little bit of time passes from that scene and later when Thora tries to use her magic armor it does not work.

Apparently the group Thora saw earlier was an experienced party and they somehow stole the magic that was giving the woman of the kingdom control of the men.  This of course freaks out the women incharge insist their kingdom is going to fall apart and orders Thora to gather some ingredients needed to get the magic back.  She sets off with Gretchen and a male knight Edmound, who she lost to in the jousting match earlier. The end of the comic shows them on their journey and some of the issues they have early on.

The illustrations in the comic were well done.  There is a decent amount of detail in each panel and the coloring looks really good.  The lettering is good and very easy to read.  From a presentation standpoint, it is a well put together comic.

After reading the first page of the comic, I was afraid this was going to become a straight up woman are superior to men comic.  By the end of the comic I have concluded I wasn’t wrong.  However, the story ended up keeping me somewhat interested to the point that I want to see what happens in the next issue.  The presentation of the comic helped to keep me interested as well.  

Thonos Life long video game player since the the release of the NES in the mid 80's. Also a fan of science fiction, horror, cartoons and pizza.