
Review by Thonos, February 18, 2024
Release Date: November 9, 2020 Publisher: Jim Developer: Jim
Genre: First Person Shooter System: PC Max Players: 1
BioCrisis (PC) image 1
BioCrisis (PC) image 2
BioCrisis (PC) image 3
BioCrisis (PC) image 4
BioCrisis (PC) image 5
BioCrisis (PC) image 6
BioCrisis (PC) image 7
BioCrisis is a small on-rails shooter that only lasts not even five minutes a playthrough.  You play as someone who is trying to escape from a laboratory that has experienced a viral outbreak.  This virus has turned everyone into a zombie and they are now trying to kill you.  Armed with a handgun and grenades, you have to fight your way through a corridor that leads to the exit.  The game ends when you reach the end, die or run out of time.
As will most on-rail shooters, all you have to do is point, shoot and reload.  You only get one type of gun, but you do have grenades that can clear the whole screen.  The four different enemies you shoot are the same enemy wearing different color suits, but the different color suits dictate how many shots it takes to kill them.  All these enemies will do is come at you and if they reach you, you will take damage.  After taking three hits, you die and the game starts over.  You can pickup score multipliers, health packs, extra time items and grenades which all spawn randomly as you keep moving forward.
I really liked the presentation of this game.  It has that old school graphic look to it which is something that I always enjoy.  The enemies and environment are pretty detailed for a game that is not using a huge color palette.   The sound effects and music were also well done and added to that retro feel this game has.  The music does get repetitive though, and can be turned off in the options.  
As I mentioned above, this is a short game.  When I did my playthroughs I usually died within two minutes or less.  I had one time where I did make it until time expired on me.  This is not an easy game, nor is it a really hard game.  The shooting could be a little faster, but really this game comes down to luck when it comes to enemies and item pickups.  The game does have some reliability, but how much is going to be determined by how long you want to stick with it. 
Overall, I like this game for what it provides:  a short, simple but semi-challenging on-rails shooter with a good retro presentation.  While I would have liked the game to be longer, it is fun in short bursts.
Thonos Life long video game player since the the release of the NES in the mid 80's. Also a fan of science fiction, horror, cartoons and pizza.