
Review by Thonos, February 18, 2024
Release Date: March 28, 2005 Publisher: REL Games Developer: REL Games
Genre: First Person Shooter System: PC Max Players: 1
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I remember seeing this game sometime in the mid to later 2000's on some game website.  This is one of the few times I bought a game directly from a company website, in this case I'm almost positive I got it from thr REL Games site.  This game looked like it would be a fun distraction.  I paid twenty dollars for it and I spent a good amount of time playing this back in the mid to late 2000's.  I was looking up some older games recently and I found out this game was released on Steam a few years back.  Seeing it was only a fraction of the cost I paid for it years ago, I picked it up again to go on a nostalgia trip.
This is a arena first person shooter where waves of enemies come at you from all angles and all you have to do is shoot everything that comes at you.  You fight off zombies, spiders, skeletons and other creatures using a variety of guns.  Every enemy you kill gives you points and may drop power-ups that give you more speed, ammo capacity, defense, slow-motion or a bigger score.  You sometimes also get grenades to throw at your enemies and one thing this game has is that all these items and  power-ups can be picked up at range by using the right mouse button which was something different at the time.  Eventually a boss enemy will spawn and once that enemy is killed other enemies will stop spawning.  You win the level by defeating all the enemies or lose if you lose all your life.
The game has a main campaign mode that spans four chapters that are each ten levels.  Each level gives you a weapon with the goal of shooting everything that comes your way until the boss spawns to defeat.  There is also a survival mode where you keep fighting until you die while trying to get the highest score.  This mode has three different levels and offers a little variety depending which stage you pick.  The greed game mode is very similar to survival mode except there are times in the stage you can stop and end the stage.  Lastly, there is a tutorial mode to show you how to play the game.
This was a decent looking game back in the mid 2000's and it still look decent today.  The environments have some detail to them and the weapons models are not bad.  Some enemies in the game had a dismembering mechanic that let you shoot off different parts of enemies and their armor which was neat at the time.  The games music tracks are alright and the sound effects get the job done.  While not amazing by today's standards, this is still not a bad looking or sounding game.
I really liked this game back when I played it in the mid 2000's.  The game is simple and can get repetitive, but it isn't trying to a big spectacle of a game.  This is a game that knows what it is, adds a few of it's own ideas and it works.  There is also enough content in the game to keep you occupied for at least a few hours.  Playing it now, it still works and I'm glad Steam has it on it's platform for others to try and hopefully enjoy. 
Thonos Life long video game player since the the release of the NES in the mid 80's. Also a fan of science fiction, horror, cartoons and pizza.